Cooking Camp
Wellness and Cooking Camps
Morning Yoga
Cooking Classes
Mindfulness Crafts
School Garden ProgramsSchool Garden Programs
Cooking CampsCooking Camps
Wellness ProgramsWellness Programs
After School ProgramsAfter School Programs
Wellness Programs
Wellness Programs
Heart Based Classes
School Labyrinths
School Garden ProgramsSchool Garden Programs
Cooking CampsCooking Camps
Wellness ProgramsWellness Programs
After School ProgramsAfter School Programs
After School Programs
After School Programs
Garden Club
Cooking Classes
School Garden ProgramsSchool Garden Programs
Cooking CampsCooking Camps
Wellness ProgramsWellness Programs
After School ProgramsAfter School Programs
School Garden Programs
School Garden Programs
A School in Every Garden
School Garden ProgramsSchool Garden Programs
Cooking CampsCooking Camps
Wellness ProgramsWellness Programs
After School ProgramsAfter School Programs
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Donate Today

Sprouting Chefs is a non profit charity society based in BC. Every donation over $20 receives a tax receipt with our charity number noted as 81252 5160 RR0001.

Funds raised go towards each of our school garden programs (see below) to help with facilitator costs, program development, materials and supplies as needed.

We are so grateful for the generous support of our current sponsors, Mr. Pat Stephenson and Mr. Bruce Forster who have donated a combined $20,000 towards our Seed to Table Programs and our After School Programs. Featured in this photo as well is our long standing private donors Ken Gracie and Philip Waddell who have been sponsoring our Garden Club programs since 2016.


Donations can be received by E Transfers to [email protected] with no fees, going directly towards our programs. Or our Donation Page via credit card Or by Mailing a cheque directly to us to: Sprouting Chefs Society, 2070 Birch Grove Pl, Burnaby, BC, V5A 4A3

Funders for 2024/2025

Whole Kids Foundation Logo

Whole Kids Foundation – In School Program for Fall Season at Forest Grove and Edmonds Community School

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation – Winter and Spring season In School Program at Forest Grove and Edmonds Community School.


School Garden Programs

Sprouting Chefs Society currently operates in two elementary schools in Burnaby: Forest Grove Elementary and Edmonds Community School. Our in school Wellness and Sustainability Program consists of:

  • Mental Wellness for Children
  •  Integrating the BC Curriculum and Core Competencies into our Gardening and Cooking/Nutrition Lessons
  • Organic and Regenerative Growing Practices
  • Highlighting the Sustainability Development Goals
  • A variety of climate action lessons
We believe that by working in only two schools over the course of time means we can develop and enrich eating habits, mental wellness, an appreciation for their environment and ways to sustain gardens in every grade level.
Our after school cooking classes and garden clubs are only offered at Forest Grove and Edmonds Community School at this time due to limited capacity.
Kids working in school garden

The garden has been a big part of my life and always will be. Thank you for all that you've done for me and our community. I've learned so much from being a part of the garden club and can't thank you enough for that : )

Casey Lo, Garden Club Member 2012-2017

Cooking Camps

Our Summer Day Camp program is a fun way to “Sprout the Chef” within each participant with day camp sessions running from 9 am to 3 pm Mondays to Fridays throughout the summer months of July and August. Sprouting Chefs is a community based company offering services of cooking and gardening programs for children and opportunities for youth.

  • Locations for our Kids Cooking Classes and Camps
  • Other Cooking Classes we have offered to community groups

After School Programs

School gardens become more sustainable when paired with a harvesting, tasting and cooking class. Students who experience the ability to plant, grow, care for and then harvest and eat veggies from a school garden are more likely to adjust their eating habits and become healthy kids.

  • After School Garden Clubs and how they build communities
  • After School Cooking Classes at Forest Grove Elementary
  • In School Cooking Classes
  • What parents and students are saying about our gardening and cooking classes
Girl holding carrots
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Children cooking healthy food
Cooking with Children
School vegetable garden

Latest News (Our Blog)

Bumblebee on a flower

Stories From The Garden

Many people have wondered and asked about the inspiration behind Sprouting Chefs. What makes Sprouting Chefs different from a handful of other similar organizations.

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Sprouting Chefs Needs Your Help!

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Sprouting Chefs and we need your help to survive.

Please consider a donation. 
Any amount helps!