Our Team
Meet Our Board Members
Barb Koyanagi - Founder/Executive Director
Barb Koyanagi is the Founder and Visionary behind Sprouting Chefs, kitchen garden program for youth that has been centred out of Forest Grove Elementary in Burnaby, BC since 2011. She has overseen the creation and build of the first edible school garden in Burnaby and as such, understands what it takes to overcome barriers and adversity. Being a groundbreaker in the community of North Burnaby, she has seen the transformation of how building an edible school garden can bring a community together in a healthy holistic way.

A graduate of the Gaia College Organic Master Gardeners Course, Barb is a strong and avid believer in the organic practices of growing food, organic food education and creating natural garden spaces. From crop rotation and companion planting for fertilization methods to using nature as the guide to know when to plant, Barb incorporates heart and nature based knowledge into all her school garden education based programs. Barb has taught Seed Classes, Cooking Classes and facilitates an After School Garden Club with Forest Grove Elementary creating a sustainable Garden Program. She is also now working with other schools in the Lower Mainland of BC, teaching school garden education as well as a Summer Wellness and Cooking Camps.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the direction and sustainability of the organization. They provide direct support and guidance to the Executive Director and staff through policies in strategic planning, as well as personnel and financial viability. Board members promote and communicate with the broader public and connect new people and ideas to staff. The Board of Directors ensures that our programs and activities have enough resources and are aligned with our mission and vision.
If you are a visionary in the way children learn, have experience in environmental studies, education, camps or other after school programs, we would love to have you join us as board members. Contact us here for more details about how you can volunteer your time with us as a board member.
Help Us Sprout More Chefs - Join Our Team!
Do you have a passion for positive change in the world? With all the changes we are seeing in the environment, society and education, are you feeling the urge to join a movement to make the world a better place? Are you an educator, former camp counsellor, youth leader, or someone who has worked with children in the past?
We are currently seeking volunteers to help us in our garden and kitchen programs who have a strong leadership background working with youth and school aged children. Our programs are becoming very popular with schools seeking us out to implement our Seed to Table Program and After School Programs. Many of our volunteers go on to run their own classes and we would love to connect with you if you are interested in connecting the youth of today to nature, their fellow classmates, food, gardening and cooking through our mindful activities.
Send us an email to introduce yourself and your big “why” of what you do with a resume to [email protected].
Volunteer Positions:
Assistant Chef Leader
Assistant Garden Educator
Board Members – Members at Large, Secretary (To Be Announced Soon)
Grant Writer
Book Keeper